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Samsung offers a lot of tools, many of which you probably just ignore. Health is one of the tools you should probably take a closer look at, however, because it’s actually really useful.

三星提供了很多工具,您可能会忽略其中的许多工具。 但是,健康是您可能应该仔细研究的工具之一,因为它实际上非常有用。

什么是三星健康? (What is Samsung Health?)

Samsung Health is the company’s take on fitness tracking. Health is absolutely loaded with features, many of which will prove useful to most people, and others to only the most dedicated. And the best part: it’s not just available for Samsung phones. You can install Health  on most Android phones.

三星健康是公司进行健身追踪的工具。 健康绝对包含许多功能,其中许多功能将对大多数人有用,而其他功能仅对最专门的人有用。 最好的部分:它不仅适用于三星手机。 您可以在大多数Android手机上安装Health。

Samsung Health is more than just a glorified step or calorie tracker. It can track your weight, calorie intake/burn, steps, runs, heart rate, stress levels, caffeine intake, blood pressure, sleep, blood glucose, bike rides, hikes, and a lot more.

三星健康不仅仅是光荣的一步或卡路里追踪器。 它可以跟踪您的体重,卡路里摄入/燃烧,步数,跑步,心率,压力水平,咖啡因摄入量,血压,睡眠,血糖,骑自行车,远足等等。

And that’s just on the first page.


Before we get too far down this rabbit hole, it’s worth nothing that not all features are available on all smartphones. So, while you can install it on a wide range of Android phones, not every phone can take advantage of things like hear rate monitoring, which is enabled by the hardware on the Samsung Galaxy lineup.

在我们陷入困境之前,值得一提的是,并非所有智能手机都具有所有功能。 因此,尽管您可以将其安装在各种各样的Android手机上,但并不是每部手机都可以利用诸如监听率监测之类的功能,而监听率监测是由Samsung Galaxy系列硬件启用的。

With that, let’s talk about everything it can do.


三星健康主页:“我” (The Samsung Health Main Page: “Me”)

Health’s main page is where you’ll start with the app, as well as where you’ll likely spend most of your time. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you’ll get used to it quickly.

Health的主页是您从该应用程序开始的地方,以及您可能会花费大部分时间的地方。 刚开始时可能有点让人不知所措,但是您很快就会习惯它。

I’ve already spent some time customizing my Health app, so yours may look a little bit different. But the general gist is something like this:

我已经花了一些时间自定义我的“健康”应用程序,因此您的应用程序看起来可能有所不同。 但是总的要点是这样的:

Weight management and the built-in step counter are front and center here, because those features are likely going to be why most people use the app. But down below you’ll find all sorts of other useful stuff, as well as a way to customize the layout and what items are tracked.

体重管理和内置计步器在这里很重要,因为这些功能很可能会成为大多数人使用该应用程序的原因。 但是在下面,您会发现各种其他有用的内容,以及自定义布局和跟踪哪些项目的方法。

The bottom parts of the main screen show all the extra stuff—tapping the “Manage Items” button brings up everything you can add. Pick and choose what works for you, and that info will show up on the main screen.

主屏幕的底部显示了所有其他内容-点按“管理项目”按钮将显示您可以添加的所有内容。 选择适合您的选项,该信息将显示在主屏幕上。

It’s worth noting that some of the things here don’t use the phone to get their data—like blood pressure or glucose, for example. This feature assumes you have a third party monitor to track this particular data, and then you input it to your Health app manually. It’s also likely that you can find apps that work with external devices (like blood pressure monitors) and also sync with the Health app so you can track things more automatically.

值得注意的是,这里的某些东西不使用电话来获取其数据,例如血压或血糖。 此功能假定您有第三方监视器来跟踪此特定数据,然后将其手动输入到“健康”应用程序中。 您还可能会找到可与外部设备配合使用的应用程序(例如血压计),并且还可以与Health应用程序同步,以便可以更自动地跟踪事物。

其他东西:专家,发现和在一起 (The Other Stuff: Together, Experts, and Discovery)

While you’ll spend most of your time fiddling with things on the “Me” page, there are other useful features tucked into the other pages. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect with each.

虽然您将大部分时间花在摆弄“我”页面上的事情上,但其他页面还有其他有用的功能。 这是每个人的期望的细分。

在一起的页面 (The Together Page)

If the main page—the Me page—is all about tracking your individual stats, the Together page is all about comparing your steps and whatnot to literally everyone else.


If you like the idea of making a game of your steps, then you’ll like this page. It’s really just harmless fun—a way to motivate you to take more steps. You can opt into global challenges and the like to push yourself a little bit more.

如果您喜欢按照自己的步骤做游戏的想法,那么您会喜欢此页面。 这实际上只是无害的乐趣-一种激励您采取更多步骤的方法。 您可以选择全球性挑战之类的方法来推动自己更多。

Or, like me, you can just ignore this page altogether.


专家页面 (The Experts Page)

This tab is the most interesting feature in the Health app—and it’s also one that’s exclusive to Galaxy S9 and Note 8 users.

此选项卡是“健康”应用程序中最有趣的功能,它也是Galaxy S9和Note 8用户独有的功能。

The options on this page connect you with doctors for urgent care, therapy/psychiatry, and even specialty care visits—all from your phone. It’s wild.

此页面上的选项可将您与医生联系,以进行紧急护理,治疗/精神病学,甚至进行专科门诊,所有这些都可以通过手机完成。 太疯狂了

You sign up for this feature with all the same info you’d use at a brick and mortar doctor’s office: name, phone number, health insurance information, pharmacy, medical history, current medications, and all the other pertinent information that a medical provider may need to treat you.


I ran through as much of the process as I could before having to actually see a provider, and it was relatively simple. The app didn’t have my health insurance provider listed, so I’m not sure if that means they don’t participate of if I’d have to add them some other way. It also listed the cost at $59 “before insurance” for a visit.

在不得不真正见到提供者之前,我会尽我所能地完成所有过程,而且过程相对简单。 该应用程序没有列出我的健康保险提供商,因此我不确定是否意味着他们不参与,是否需要以其他方式添加他们。 它还列出了“保险前” 59美元的费用。

发现页面 (The Discover Page)

Finally, there’s the Discover tab, which is basically just a collection of health-related articles if you’re into that sort of thing. There isn’t really anything more to say about that.

最后,还有“发现”选项卡,如果您喜欢这类内容,它基本上只是与健​​康相关的文章的集合。 真的没有更多要说的了。

其他所有内容:程序,合作伙伴应用程序等 (Everything Else: Programs, Partner Apps, and More)

Then there’s all the other stuff. Tucked into the menu, you’ll find access to so much more, including fitness programs, partner apps, compatible access, and promotions. Here’s a closer look.

然后还有其他所有东西。 隐藏在菜单中,您将发现对更多内容的访问权,包括健身计划,合作伙伴应用程序,兼容访问权和促销活动。 仔细看看。

程式 (Programs)

This is where you’ll find fitness programs to help along your fitness journey. I honestly wish this was more of a front-and-center feature instead of one tucked behind another menu button, because it’s really pretty awesome.

在这里,您可以找到健身计划,以帮助您的健身之旅。 老实说,我希望这更多的是一种前端和中心功能,而不是一个隐藏在另一个菜单按钮后面的功能,因为它确实很棒。

You can find new workout routines, weight loss tips, training exercises, and other related information. You can also set your fitness interests and goals so the app can better curate these programs to your specific goals and needs. It’s cool.

您可以找到新的锻炼程序,减肥秘诀,​​训练运动以及其他相关信息。 您还可以设置自己的健身兴趣和目标,以便该应用程序可以更好地根据您的特定目标和需求制定这些计划。 这个很酷。

合作伙伴应用 (Partner Apps)

If you’re already into fitness, you probably have an app (or collection of apps) that you use to keep up with your goals. Good news: many of these are compatible with Samsung Health and can be connected to the Health app for automatic importing of workouts, steps, calorie info, and more.

如果您已经适应了健康,则可能有一个可以用来实现目标的应用程序(或应用程序集合)。 好消息:其中许多与Samsung Health兼容,并且可以连接到Health应用程序以自动导入锻炼,步骤,卡路里信息等。

For example, if you use MyFitnessPal to track your calories, you can connect it to Health. Or if you’re an Endomondo user, connect it to automatically import your workouts. There are an absolute slew of compatible apps, so the odds are if you use, it’s there. The main app I couldn’t find was Strava, which is a truly odd omission given its popularity in the cycling and running community.

例如,如果您使用MyFitnessPal跟踪卡路里,则可以将其连接到Health。 或者,如果您是Endomondo用户,请连接它以自动导入您的锻炼。 有兼容的应用程序的绝对回转 ,所以赔率是,如果你使用,它的存在。 我找不到的主要应用程序是Strava,鉴于它在自行车和跑步社区中的流行,这确实是一个奇怪的遗漏。

But everything else I looked for was there.


配饰 (Accessories)

If you’re in the market for a new wearable, sensor, blood pressure monitor, glucose meter, heart rate sensor, or scale and want to make sure it’s compatible with Health, this is the menu for you.


This takes all the accessories that are compatible with Samsung Health and breaks them down into categories, making it easy for you find exactly what you’re looking for. It’s definitely not necessary that you run out and get new accessories just because you start using the Health app, but if you need a particular kind of monitor or device anyway, why not get a compatible one?

它将所有与Samsung Health兼容的配件分解为几类,使您可以轻松轻松地找到所需的配件。 绝对没有必要仅仅因为开始使用Health应用程序就耗尽了新配件,但是如果仍然需要一种特殊的显示器或设备,为什么不购买兼容的显示器或设备呢?

促销活动 (Promotions)

Finally, there’s the Promotions page. This is where you can learn about new products and apps that are compatible with Samsung Health, as well as find deals on other services.

最后,有“促销”页面。 在这里,您可以了解与Samsung Health兼容的新产品和应用程序,以及查找其他服务的优惠。

There isn’t a lot going on here right now, to be honest.


Samsung’s Health app is full featured and all-encompassing if you’re into tracking your fitness and other aspects of your health life. Even if you’re not a Samsung user, it’s definitely worth checking out. There’s a lot under its hood—especially for the low price of nothing.

如果您要跟踪自己的健康状况以及健康生活的其他方面,那么三星的健康应用程序功能全面且无所不包。 即使您不是三星用户,也绝对值得一试。 它背后有很多东西-尤其是价格低廉的东西。




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